Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I am stepping out.

I read this verse this morning in 2 Corinthians 1:
"But this happened (Paul writing about persecution in Asia) that we might not rely on ourselves but on God."

I have been challenged lately with this thought over and over again: If God is who He says He is, then I need to realize He is faithful and mighty in providing. I know this is true, but I still struggle with trusting Him. I want to go on full-time Younglife staff, but I am crippled by the fear of raising my money. I have no doubt that my Savior has called me and is equipping me in every aspect to do His work; however, my life is characterized by comfort, and I have never had to trust Him with such a huge endeavor before. God showed me this weekend through several different things that He doesn't call me to be comfortable. He calls me to trust SO COMPLETELY that I am unafraid to put myself in a situation (fundraising my complete salary) where I am in trouble if He doesn't come through. I want that faith and trust, so I am praising Him for the situation I am stepping into now. I am in trouble if He doesn't show up, but I am ready to rely completely on Him for my life.