Sunday, August 30, 2009


I took a personality test a few years ago when I started working for Buckhead Church and stumbles upon it today. I am pretty amazed at how accurate it is, both good and bad. My top 5 strengths are as follows:

What does that mean? According to the booklet of results, I like to explain, describe, host, speak in public, and write. I take ownership of anything I commit to, and I cannot let it go (even if it is driving me insane) until it is finished. "I get it done" as my area director likes to call it. Apparently, I am aware of individuals and I am able to pick up on his/her strengths/likes, making me a great birthday gift picker-outer or a good encourager. I am the first to take a step of action to get something started. There is no "slow" button; I either do things fast or don't do them at all. And I am a wooer... Finding new people and winning them over.

This is me... plus or minus a few things. Wouldn't you agree? Who knew personality tests could actually be right? I am amazed.

You can take one: