So I started reading a book the other night, partly for myself and partly to get insight for my high school campaigner group. "I Kissed Dating Goodbye" is a radical title to a book, but it has a lot of truth to it. Sure, its written for teenagers and can be a bit cheesy, but I needed to hear some things, too.
Short-term dating can tie us down. If the Lord has me in this season for a reason, He wants me to maximize my freedom and flexibility to serve Him.
Our obedience catches God's attention (2 Chronicles 16:9). He denies us what we think is good only because He has something better for us. HE HASN'T FORGOTTEN ME.
He provides something better NOW as we take advantage of the unique opportunities of singleness, and He'll provided something better LATER when we enter into marriage.
God will bring us something BETTER when it is the right time. I trust that since I am single now, it is BETTER for me and my faith. In the end, His perfect timing will be revealed.
If we are discontented with singleness, we'll more than likely face discontentment when we're married.
We might be guilty of poor stewardship of our singleness when we allow a desire for something God obviously doesn't have for us YET to rob our ability to enjoy and appreciate what He HAS given us.
Wow... preach it, Joshua Harris. I pray my time (and gift) of singleness bring Him glory.