Whitefield Academy started school today. I am excited to be able to share my life with high school and middle school kids again. Even though work can be hectic and overwhelming at times, I feel more purposeful and alive doing YOUNGLIFE than I do with anything else. I was reading some quotes from the founder of YOUNGLIFE today... he sums up best what I have the privilege of doing everyday. I love my job.
"Christ is the strongest, grandest, most attractive personality ever to grace the earth. But a careless messenger with the wrong method can reduce all this magnificence to the level of boredom...It is a crime to bore anyone with the gospel."
"Young Life work is the art of penetrating a culture that doesn’t like our Savior."
"Young Life is a group of people committed to the idea of winning a hearing with kids for the greatest story ever told."
"Young Life Campaign is in the business of presenting the Lord Jesus Christ to the high school gang. We believe that He is the most fascinating Person in the Universe. We believe that He will completely captivate the heart of any young person who knows Him."
"Whenever people talk to me about traveling too much or working too hard or running around too much or not taking care of myself, I feel like reminding them of Paul. Why that guy walked farther than I ride on jets....He didn’t care. He was absolutely burning up to see to it that people had a chance to know about Jesus Christ."
Thank you Lord for calling me to YOUNGLIFE. May you bless this school year and may it be for your glory.