How does the "Eleazer Diaries" sound for a name?
I guess I will have to rename my blog soon BECAUSE...
Forrest proposed. And I said YES!!!!
Couldn't be more excited to have the most amazing man as a fiance!
Here is the story:
I was leaving town on Thursday for a reunion with my best friends, so Forrest had told me to mark my calendar on Wednesday for a date night before I left.
It was a typical Wednesday. We both got home from work and jumped in the car to go on a boat ride and go to dinner. The tide was low, but Forrest was so determined to get the boat in the water that he even jumped in with his shoes on to push the boat off of the lift.
Once we were on the boat, he surprised me with a cooler filled with cheese, crackers, salami, and drinks. We rode out to the gulf and sat in front of the Don Cesar Hotel on Pass-A-Grille Beach to watch the sunset.
At 8:28 on July 13th, Forrest told me to close my eyes because he had one more surprise for me in the cooler. As I opened my eyes, he was down on one knee with the sun setting on the horizon. Both of us had tears in our eyes thinking of the future we get to have together.
I'll never forget his words. "I love this. I love that we can do this for the rest of our life. Turner Louise Outlaw, will you marry me?"
I think in all of the excitement, I forgot to actually say "yes" to his question. I am guessing he got the picture from my reaction, but just in case...
Forrest Thomas Eleazer, YES!!!! I get to spend the rest of my life telling you that I couldn't be more excited to be your wife.
Forrest Thomas Eleazer, YES!!!! I get to spend the rest of my life telling you that I couldn't be more excited to be your wife.