Wednesday, August 3, 2011

flash backs:

I was flipping through pictures today and came across these...

A next-door neighbor and I would get married on a daily basis (definitely not kidding about this one!!) in his living room.  His mom was the preacher, his sister played the piano, and my ring was the twisty-tie from the bread in the kitchen.  My "groom" was named John, but because of a speech impediment, he had to get used to me calling him "Ga-on." We would drive off down the sidewalk after the "ceremony" in his powerwheels red wrangler jeep for all of the neighborhood to see. 

 Oh the days living on Pine Court...
I've always wanted to be a bride, but one thing I am certain of, I never imagined that my groom would be as great as Forrest is.  The Lord has given me something SO sweet, and I am beyond thankful and honored for the man I get to marry in November.  It hasn't really hit me yet that in 3 and a half months I will me married and living with a guy.  I have such a joy and peace in all this because I am certain I have found my other half.

 One closing thought today: This wedding seems much better than the early days in the Pine Court neighborhood!