I've been learning alot about uncertainty lately. People I care about are in uncertain times and heck, I am pretty uncertain about things in my life, too. I love the fact that the Lord is not surprised by anything in our lives. NOTHING. He tells us it is going to be hard and that we might suffer. He even prepares us for the transition. But the truth is that God is OK that we have periods of uncertainty. In John 13: 31-35, Jesus is preparing His disciples for His death; He knew the cruxifiction was going to freak them out. He knew they would be uncertain for awhile. He tells them tough times are ahead. BUT He is OK for His disciples to go through weeks of being unsure and frightened because Jesus knows a resurrection is on the other side.
And that's the same in my life, too. A season of uncertainty is OK because resurrection and restoration are on the other side. He is at work, and His plans are great. So in my unsureness, Jesus has told me to rest and be OK.