Friday, May 14, 2010


What in my life doesn't line up with the gospel?

 I asked this question this morning.  I do Younglife and hang out with kids ALOT. I give up weekends and nights to do ministry.  I give to the church.  I have a heart for Africa and the poor. I don't make alot of money.  Is it enough though? What if I have missed what is radical about my faith and replaced it with what is comfortable? The cost is high to follow Jesus.  Am I willing to abandon it all?  We twist the Jesus of the bible into a more comfortable version because we are afraid of what it might mean for our lives. We hear what he says and then we decide whether we like it or not. We give away but we give the stuff we don't really care about, the stuff we can live without.

What will this mean for me?  I have realized that in the end though, I am not giving away anything at all.  Instead, I am gaining.  I have found something worth losing everything for. It will be better , not just for the poor and for the people I interact with, but for me, when I abandon the stuff I am holding on to. Maybe life is found not in what our culture says is important, but in total abandonment to Jesus.